Santé Sensory Centre

Helping you thrive in sensory health, hope and freedom.

Because everyone's Sensory Thumbprint® is unique!


Santé Sensory Centre

Helping you thrive in sensory health, hope and freedom.

Because everyone's sensory thumbprint® is unique!

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Fun Sensory Integration Space in Town.


Anne Laure's Santé Sensory Centre exists for the island to enjoy!

365 days a year, 24/7! 

Climbing wall, ball pit, crash pad, swings galore, balance games, scooterboards, building blocks, finger puppets, puzzles, chalkboard, gym balls and more.

Join the exclusive centre membership for your own private use anytime of day or night.


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Fully equipped for you to enjoy!

Whether it's for

  • pure enjoyment and to spend precious time together 
  • making memories to delight in
  • having a 'screen free' alternative
  • providing something that makes everyone happy
  • bonding at it's best.
  • providing a 'play date' space that doesn't wreck the house.
  • or simply needing a place to keep everyone sane when it's wet outside!
Ball pit
occupational therapy swings
occupational therapy swings
colourful storage shelving
occupational therapy equipment
occupational therapy room

Centre Membership 

- from just £10 a month!

Organisations - please use the 'contact us' to email, or phone, to set up a membership specific to your needs.

Memberships are capped and a waiting list will be set up once membership is full so join now if you want to secure your spot!

Graphic displaying the text 'Santé Sensory Support'

Basic Centre Membership

Pay Per Use

£10 a month membership and then £25 a session as and when you choose to go.

Private use of the centre space 7 days a week 24/7.

Enjoy the space exclusively for you, the family or bring a friend (share the experience and share the costs! 😁)

Join here
Graphic displaying the text 'Santé Sensory Support'

Unlimited Centre Membership

Only 34 spots left!

£99 a month

 Private use of the centre space for 1 hour at a time, 7 days a week 24/7.

Enjoy exclusively for you, the family, or bring a friend.


Join here
Graphic displaying the text 'Santé Sensory Support'

Premium Centre Membership

Only 2 spots left!

£199 a month.

Priority booking weeks in advance.

Private use of the centre space 7 days a week 24/7 up to 2 hours at a time.

Enjoy exclusively for you, the family, or bring a friend.


Join here



Occupational Therapy

Find out more
Graphic displaying the text 'Santé Sensory Support'

Free Centre Demonstration

Come and see the Centre and learn how to use and enjoy the facilities well and safely.

Book to see the Centre use

Book a free demonstration of the centre:

Schedule Appointment



Find us at 7 Hope Street, St Helier, JE2 3NS

By Appointment Only.